
Currently, I teach students from Bachelor to Master at University of Toulouse 2. Before that, I have taught during the period of my thesis and during my ATER service. During my thesis, I had the opportunity to teach from 2018 to 2020 at the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering Sciences of South Brittany (SSI), at the IUT of Vannes - University of South Brittany and at the military school of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, making a total of 90h of teaching. In my ATER service, I teach at the UFR Computer Science & Electronics (ISTIC) of the University of Rennes 1 and Nathional Superior Engineering School of South Brittany (ENSIBS), which makes a total of 192h of teaching.


Administrative responsibilities

  • Jury of admission in L2 & L3 Computer Science
  • Responsible of the Algorithm-Programming course for L2
  • Responsible of PIX, L2


University of Toulouse 2, Toulse, France

  • Programming in Go, L1
  • Programming in Python, L2
  • Networks, L2
  • Shell and Scripts, L2
  • Software development - Design (Patterns), L3
  • Object-oriented programming, L2
  • System engineering, M2
  • PIX (Computer Science Certificate), L2



National Superior Engineering School of South Brittany (ENSIBS), Vannes, France

  • System security
    • Public: students at their third year at the ENSIBS
    • 12h of CM and TP
    • Description: The objective of this course was to teach students about the importance of security by design and to present different approaches of threat modeling. Students learned and compared these approaches by applying a crossover experiment protocol.

ISTIC, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Basics of object-oriented modeling
    • Public: L3 MIAGE and L3 Informatique
    • 36h of TD
    • Description: The objective of this course was to introduce the basic notions of software modeling (objects, classes, modularity, contracts, associations, generalization or specialization, use cases, sequence diagrams and automata) and to apply them on a case study, by using the UML language.
  • Introduction to software engineering
    • Public: L2 Informatique
    • 40h of TP
    • Description: The objective of this course was to teach students to master the essential principles of object-oriented programming and functional programming in Scala, to master the design of automatic unit tests to help long-term maintenance and increase developer confidence, to recognize the software architecture and to manage versions. This module also proposed to the students to program a robotweb projet and an avatar projet.
  • Programming in Python
    • Public: L1 PCGS
    • 40h of TD and TP
    • Description: The objective of this course is to learn how to design and develop (small) programs in Python. Specifically, this course includes writing (conditional) expressions, functions and iterations, using structured data and manipulating complex data structures.


IUT of Vannes

  • System and Network Administration: Security
    • Public: students at their second year of the IUT of Vannes
    • 20h of TD
    • Description: The objective of this course was to teach students about the general knowledge of cybersecurity. These sessions included learning pentest and XSS attack, introduction to cryptography, security architecture and SIEM, application of access control, risk management and code review.

Military school of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan

  • Programming in Java
    • Public: Former non-commissioned officers
    • 30h of CM
    • Description: The objective of this course was to learn to the students the basic syntax in Java, such as variable, method, class and object, to master the essential principles of object programming such as polymorphism, inheritance and encapsulation, by using the IntelliJ IDE.

ISTIC, University of Rennes 1

  • Upgrading the Java level
    • Public: L3 MIAGE and L3 Informatique
    • 12h of TP
    • Description: The objective of this course was to upgrade and deepen the knowledge of students in programming, to present the fundamental search (sequential and dichotomous) and sorting (by selection and insertion) algorithms, to introduce sequential and iterable data structures (lists, dictionaries and files) and to present recursive expressions.
  • Computer Science
    • Public: L1 Informatique
    • 120h of TD and TP
    • Description: The objective of this course was to teach students the fundamentals of imperative programming. Specifically, students learn in this course the instructions, typed variables, conditionals, nesting, iterations, functions, formal and effective parameters, tables and data structures. This module also proposed to the students to program a deminer’s game in a project.


IUT of Vannes

  • System and Network Administration: Security
    • Public: students at their second year of the IUT of Vannes
    • 12h of TD
    • Description: The objective of this course was to teach students about the general knowledge of cybersecurity. These sessions included learning pentest and XSS attack, introduction to cryptography, security architecture and SIEM, application of access control, risk management and code review.

SSI, University of South Brittany, France

  • Computer Systems Basics
    • Public: L1
    • 14h of TP
    • Description: The objective of this course was to teach students the fundamentals of computer science. This course was organized in 4 parts: information representation, hardware architecture, operating system and network. During the TP sessions, I taught the students to master the use of the command line under different operating systems (Windows and Linux).


SSI, University of South Brittany, France

  • Computer Systems Basics
    • Public: L1
    • 14h of TP
    • Description: The objective of this course was to teach students the fundamentals of computer science. This course was organized in 4 parts: information representation, hardware architecture, operating system and network. During the TP sessions, I intervened to teach the students to master the use of the command line under different operating systems (Windows and Linux).